Missing Your Mojo? Welcome it back with Studio You Cleanse!

“This is not a diet, it is a way of life! Show me the way!”

“While the meal plans and recipes alone were absolute gold, the community support was priceless. It is SO much easier to make a huge shift when you have a community that is doing the journey with you.”


With over 180,000 Australians currently battling symptoms of chronic stress and adrenal fatigue, millions more suffering constant tiredness, not to mention Australians leading the obesity charge, lacking mojo is a modern-day issue with far-reaching consequences.

What to do? Simple! A life of joyful abundance, mental fitness, clearer skin, less bloating, weight loss, improved concentration and digestion, better quality sleep, and best of all, a kicking mojo are all the deliverables of my Studio You Cleanse – a four week, life changing, online program.

To find all of this in just one month sounds like a big call, but my promise is this cleanse is backed by real results. With over 14 years of clinical experience with my own clients, and hundreds of happy ‘Cleanse’ participants to date, the proof is there.

The digitally delivered course includes regular live Q&A sessions so participants have all their burning questions answered. Menu plans, shopping lists and dozens of quick, delicious, wholesome recipes make your cleanse as simple and effective as possible.

There are 2 different levels to choose your cleansing capacity from;

MOTIVATE YOUR MOJO – A great introduction to re-installing your long lost Mojo (perfect for pregnant Mummas too!)
MAXIMISE YOUR MOJO – Boost your cleansing and Fast Track your results with bonus exercise videos and 3 practitioner only supplements that support liver detoxifications and optimise gut health.

You’ll have full online access to me and an enthusiastic community of supportive, engaged and inspiring fellow Cleansers 24/7. […]

Restoring My Gut Microbiome Post Colonoscopy

In May I did a functional medicine test called a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA), which combines a large number of tests to evaluate the function of my gut. I have a long history of food intolerances, gut infections and adrenal depletion so I wanted to check how I was going.
Not surprisingly the CDSA showed a number of problems:

My levels of transglutaminase IgA were off the charts at 904ug/g when ideally they are below 100. Transglutaminase IgA shows that my immune system is going crazy to the presence of gluten. And I mean ridiculously crazy, I have never seen a result that high in a patient after 15 years of clinical practice.
My levels of M2 pyruvate kinase were elevated at 6.7U/ml, which is a little freaky as this is a tumor marker. Maybe as a result of gluten causing so much inflammation in my gut, this tumor marker is being expressed……
A lack of Lactobacilli bacteria – the most beneficial type of bacteria is actually low, despite taking a Lactobacillus containing probiotic daily!
An overgrowth of Citrobacter bacteria – this is an opportunistic bacteria which shows I have gut dysbiosis. This bad boy is taking over my gut due to the lack of Lactobacillus.

I also did a test assessing my levels of zonulin. I have written about this gut compound before, you can read more about it here and here. Not long ago I had the pleasure of meeting the researcher who discovered it. Zonulin opens up the spaces between gut cells, and an overproduction leads to leaky gut.
Dr Alessio Fasano’s research clearly shows that gluten increases zonulin levels, which causes leaky gut and opens up the possibility of autoimmune disease and cancer.
And guess what? My zonulin […]

The Science Behind Snacking

Key Message: There is no evidence that snacking boots metabolism

Action Point: Snack quality is more important than frequency and should take into account the individual’s lifestyle
You may not know it, but “snacking” is a uniquely American tradition – and a recent one at that. In most cultures, people do not snack between main meals. Only in America do the majority of people snack. What’s more, a 2011 report from the US Department of Agriculture found that Americans now snack twice as often as they did in the late 1970s.
The reasons for this are varied. Some people say they eat between meals because they believe this is healthy or will help them control their weight; others report eating because of cravings for sweet or salty foods; while some snack out of simple boredom or to deal with unsettling emotions – so-called “emotional eating.”
There is no doubt the latter two reasons for snacking are unhealthy. But the idea that eating small meals regularly may be healthy – in particular, that it may keep the metabolism “revved up” throughout the day – has become widespread. Unfortunately, recent studies have shown no evidence that eating more often boosts metabolism, and in most cases, the added calories from snacking simply lead to a higher calorie intake over the day and thus an increased chance of becoming overweight.

Studies have shown that the jump in metabolic rate or thermic effect of food is not dependent on meal frequency however there has been some research to show that there is a slight benefit to appetite control when six meals are consumed compared to three and eating less than three meals per day is unfavourable for appetite control.

Both the Evidence Analysis Library of the Academy […]

Emma’s Book Booster: For the dieters & cleansers

Toxin Toxout
Written by the same two incredible researchers who wrote “Slow Death by a Rubber Duck”, this book focuses on how to get harmful chemicals out of your body and life. Using themselves as guinea pigs, they get in depth in their experiments and then provide steps you can take to reduce your body burden.

I loved the section on which detox methods actually work!

Fat Resistance Diet
Research shows that losing weight is not about counting calories in and calories out, it’s far more complicated than that. Leptin resistance is becoming more and more common in my clinic and this book delves into the research behind it. Leptin controls your metabolic rate; it is a natural fat loss hormone. But, just like insulin resistance, many people become leptin-resistant, putting them in a fat storage mode. There is a fat resistance diet that is interesting but it’s the research that I loved.

The Leptin Diet
I have done so much research on leptin resistance and how to treat it. Leptin controls appetite, energy and metabolic rate and communicates directly to your brain, telling us how much fat is in storage. This book highlights 5 easy lifestyle guidelines to help balance leptin.  A great and easy read that is a perfect start if you are struggling with weight loss.

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    Emma’s Book Booster: For the tired and sexually frustrated!

Emma’s Book Booster: For the tired and sexually frustrated!

The Sleep Diet
I am such a sleep advocate and see a huge link between poor quality sleep and weight gain. Sleep scientist, Dr Harrington delves into the research on sleep and nutrition and explains it all beautifully. If your sleep isn’t great or you are carrying a few extra kilos, this book is for you.  Ideal for the sleep deprived and those looking to lose weight.

In The Mood Again
The decline in hormones as we age has a huge impact on libido and sex life. Some of this decline can be prevented and this book looks into how. Written by two doctors that are experts in their field, it’s a fantastic read to look at all the options available. Ideal for anyone with a low libido.

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6 Foods You Need To Eat Daily!

Following on from my last blog “6 Foods You Should Never Eat” which received a lot of feedback, here is my list of 6 foods to make sure you eat every single day. I am always asked by my clients what I eat and these feature all the time. Food really is medicine and by eating to support your health, you will save a lot of heartache, time and money in the long term.

Fermented foods – to optimise your gut health, add in some Kim chi, kefir or kombucha to your diet. All these foods contain both pre and probiotics to help keep the right balance between good and bad bacteria in our gut. Research has shown that a healthy gut is essential for reducing the risk of cancer, autoimmune disease and diabetes.

Avocado – a delicious bounty of anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids, which form the building blocks for healthy hormones. Avocado is also packed with vitamin E which helps your skin stay smooth, supple and wrinkle free

Asparagus (when in season such as now!) -1 cup contains 65% of your daily folate requirements, which gives you boundless energy! A natural diuretic, asparagus is perfect for bloating and fluid retention, especially around PMT. Asparagus is rich in prebiotic fibre, which helps to keep your gut microbiome happy.

Quinoa – high in the relaxing mineral magnesium, quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids making it the perfect protein hit. A seed and not a true grain, quinoa has high nutritional value. High in magnesium, iron, Vitamin B3 – B6 and phosphorus to supercharge your day!

Organic foods – if you have access to them optimise your nutrition with organic food. It has more flavour, a higher nutritional template and less […]

Leptin – the Missing link for Weight Loss and Mojo

Let me tell you, leptin kills Mojo and is a huge factor in resistant weight loss! I am seeing more and more leptin resistance in clinic and its something that I have researched extensively. Let me give you the low down on this hormone.
Leptin is a hormone made by our fat cells. Once leptin is released from fat stores it enters the blood and travels to the brain, telling the hypothalamus how much fuel you have on hand. Your brain then determines how fast to run your metabolism, based on how much leptin is produced. Your brain relies on leptin to determine not only your state of overall nutritional and fuel reserves but also how fast or slow to run your metabolism.
If your leptin levels are low, it means eat more. When you’ve eaten enough, leptin levels rise, your brain registers your fuel reserves are full which triggers a satiety signal. We then burn calories at a normal rate. When leptin levels are low your brain thinks there is a famine and your body enters fat storage mode and it slows down your metabolism, increases food cravings and causes feelings of lethargy. Your body doesn’t understand that there is actually food available!
Many people make too much leptin in their fat cells, as they simply have too many fat cells. This should tell your brain to burn more fat for energy. But too much leptin causes a traffic jam and blocks the leptin receptors, resulting in leptin resistance. Basically your brain isn’t getting the leptin message and you remain in fat storage mode. This will affect your metabolism and disrupt thyroid function. The main cause of leptin resistance is inflammation – whether that is due to […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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