Emma’s Favorite cough remedies

I would love to share with you some of my favourite herbs that I am using at the moment for this awful flu season. I am seeing many of my patients relapsing with acute infections not just once but up to three times!
I would encourage you to have a bottle of my flu tonic on hand and start dosing acutely as soon as you feel a sore throat or headache coming on.I have noticed clinically that there are 3 viral strains circulating at the moment and this is the summary of how the symptoms;

Gastro pre sensation with resolution within 48 hours
Sore throat, aching upper arms, seems to persist for a quite a while
Headache, dry cough with vomiting at the end of a coughing fit

Also, don’t forget about the relevance of having optimal vitamin D levels during the flu season – ask your GP to check your levels ASAP and supplement if necessary!
Herbal extracts can be highly effective for treating an acute cough and other common symptoms associated with upper respiratory tract infections such as a runny nose, sore throat, and headache. They also have an excellent safety profile. It’s ironic that many pharmacy cough mixtures contain active principles that were originally of botanical origin, obvious examples being codeine (opium poppy), guaifenesin (the guaiacum plant) and pseudoephedrine (from ephedra).
And whilst the isolation and synthesis of these active principles have given us some very powerful medicines, it has also created a new set of problems: powerful effects matched by equally powerful and negative side effects. When high-quality botanical extracts are used there is less likelihood of these problems occurring.
In the treatment of coughs and colds, herbal extracts do exert anti-tussive, expectorant and mucolytic […]

Missing Your Mojo? Welcome it back with Studio You Cleanse!

“This is not a diet, it is a way of life! Show me the way!”

“While the meal plans and recipes alone were absolute gold, the community support was priceless. It is SO much easier to make a huge shift when you have a community that is doing the journey with you.”


With over 180,000 Australians currently battling symptoms of chronic stress and adrenal fatigue, millions more suffering constant tiredness, not to mention Australians leading the obesity charge, lacking mojo is a modern-day issue with far-reaching consequences.

What to do? Simple! A life of joyful abundance, mental fitness, clearer skin, less bloating, weight loss, improved concentration and digestion, better quality sleep, and best of all, a kicking mojo are all the deliverables of my Studio You Cleanse – a four week, life changing, online program.

To find all of this in just one month sounds like a big call, but my promise is this cleanse is backed by real results. With over 14 years of clinical experience with my own clients, and hundreds of happy ‘Cleanse’ participants to date, the proof is there.

The digitally delivered course includes regular live Q&A sessions so participants have all their burning questions answered. Menu plans, shopping lists and dozens of quick, delicious, wholesome recipes make your cleanse as simple and effective as possible.

There are 2 different levels to choose your cleansing capacity from;

MOTIVATE YOUR MOJO – A great introduction to re-installing your long lost Mojo (perfect for pregnant Mummas too!)
MAXIMISE YOUR MOJO – Boost your cleansing and Fast Track your results with bonus exercise videos and 3 practitioner only supplements that support liver detoxifications and optimise gut health.

You’ll have full online access to me and an enthusiastic community of supportive, engaged and inspiring fellow Cleansers 24/7. […]

The Truth about Probiotics – Part 1

Probiotics, have recently become a topic of significant focus. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes diseases, so the idea they are beneficial can be tough to understand. We take antibiotics to kill harmful bacterial infections and use antibacterial soaps more than ever before. And while the wrong bacteria in the wrong place can cause problems, there is a growing body of scientific evidence showing that the right bacteria in the right place can have benefits and even prevent some illnesses.
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are live microorganisms, often termed “good” or “helpful” bacteria that promote a healthy digestive tract and support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. The secret to good health is all about balancing the good and bad bacteria in your gut. It may come as a surprise but 80 percent of your entire immune system is located in your digestive tract. 1
Are they all the same?
It’s important to note that there are different types of strains of probiotics. The probiotic benefits experienced with one strain may be completely different from the health benefits seen from another.

If you want to use probiotics to help with a specific health concern, it’s vital to select the right probiotic for the right condition. Strain selection should focus on quality tested products with clinically demonstrated benefits for the given condition. That is why it is always best to consult your Naturopath or health care provider for a recommendation.
Health Benefits of Probiotics
1. Diarrhoea

Certain strains of probiotics have shown positive results in treating diarrhoea and gastroenteritis. According to a report published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition2, probiotics are “useful in the prevention or treatment of several gastrointestinal disorders”, such as infectious […]

The Tigernut Story & My Latest Recipe for You

In my quest for information about gut health, I read a lot of research, which makes its way into every aspect of my life. As a speaker, I hold keynote talks about gut health and it was at one of my events that the founders of Health and Harvest found me.

Health and Harvest import Tigernuts, and no, they are not actually nuts!

Tigernuts are hugely exciting for me, due to their nutritional qualities. You may have read my blog post on resistant starch. Often resistant starch is a little unfriendly to use. Think of green bananas, potato starch powder and cooked then cooled legumes.

Tigernuts are user friendly tubers, a type of root vegetable that can be eaten whole, soaked to make Spanish style horchata or ground to make flour. They are gluten free and contain a bucket load of fibre along with the Superfood of all Superfoods, resistant starch. Resistant starch is a kind of prebiotic, which helps to keep your probiotics happy and well fed.

It also turns out that Tigernuts are about as Paleo as Paleo can get, and are a true evolutionary food with Oxford Uni discovering they played a key nutritional role in our evolution. See research here >>

When you chew a Tigernut, take your time and chew well. The more you chew, the more the natural sugars are released and the flavour is part coconut, part chestnut. Per 100g of Tigernuts have 400mg resistant starch, 5.9mg iron, 23.5g fibre and 915mg of heart healthy potassium.

So, I went ahead and made some mini banana and Goji berry muffins for Sophia, using Tigernut flour. She is brutally honest with me when it comes to food so she is the ultimate recipe tester! Thankfully, these little beauties passed […]

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    Join one of Sydney’s Newest & Most Progressive health clinics – Studio You

Join one of Sydney’s Newest & Most Progressive health clinics – Studio You

Calling all psychologists, osteopaths, massage therapists, integrated GP’s, acupuncturists, naturopaths and nutritionists
Join one of Sydney’s newest and most progressive health clinics – Studio You.  A unique opportunity for practitioners who excel, thrive on excellence and are committed to being the best in the industry.
Studio You is an integrated, collaborative clinic with structured professional development, peer supervision as well as mentoring opportunities with our director, Emma Sutherland. We are committed to building a team of industry game changers and providing a think tank for the latest research.
We value: our team, passion & fun, learning, being solution focused and leading the way forward in our industry.
Successful candidates must be fully qualified with minimum two years experience in clinical practice, have current insurance, up to date registrations and be eligible for health fund rebates.
For further information, email a cover letter and resume to emma@studio-you.com.au
If you know someone who may be the perfect candidate for Studio You, please share this information with them!

A Surprising Answer to Your Constipation

Many clients suffer from constipation, it’s one of the most common symptoms we see in our clinic. But the solution might not be as simple as “drink more water”. It may, in fact, be a problem with the communication between your gut and your brain.

There is a nervous system that lines your gut, called the enteric nervous system and it controls the function of your gut. The enteric nervous system is also known as the second brain. It is responsible for peristalsis, or the wave like contractions of the gut, which pushes food downwards. It controls the release of our digestive enzymes as well as many critical neurotransmitters. In fact, over 90% of your serotonin (a happiness hormone) is made in the gut!

As the vagus nerve controls the motility of your gut and increases blood flow to your gut lining, any problems with this part of the nervous system will result in sluggish digestion. If you don’t move food fast enough, it will ferment, causing yeast overgrowths, enzyme deficiencies and provide the perfect home for nasty parasites and bacteria.

How do you test your Gut Motility?

You should be able to hear grumbling in your abdomen when you listen with a stethoscope
When you say “ahhh” the uvula, at the back of your throat, should rise evenly
You have a poor gag reflex

Research shows neurons need exercise, just like muscles. The more you exercise them, the stronger the neuronal pathways, and the better the outcome is. This is a fascinating field of research called neuroplasticity, and I love “The Brain That Changes Itself” by Dr Normal Doidge, a brilliant book on this topic.

Exercises to Increase Gut Motility:

Encourage singing, but it needs to be really loud so warn your […]

What Juicer Should You Buy, And Why

I was recently contacted by Vitality 4 Life, asking me to test run a juicer, and provide some feedback. Over the last 15 years I have always had one kind of juicer, or another. I often make up a juice combo to address an ailment, as the power of food as medicine is incredible. Mother Nature has a medicine chest full of therapeutic nutrients!

A three day juice revamp is the absolute perfect way to flood your body with energy boosting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
What Juicer Should I Buy?
This is a great question! Juicers generally fall under two categories – centrifugal or cold pressed. I used a centrifugal the first few years of juicing then I upgraded to a cold pressed, an investment that has paid for itself many times over.

The differences are:


Most common type of juicer for domestic use
Uses a high-speed metal blade and spins the pulp and juice against a mesh filter
The fast spinning blade creates heat, which reduces the enzyme and nutrient content of the juice
Are less expensive

Recommended brand – Breville Juice Fountain as you don’t need to cut up the produce RRP $199

Cold Pressed:

They crush, squeeze and then press the produce
Have a higher yield
Don’t generate much heat at all
Are much quieter machines
Are an investment, but last 10 years
Retain far more nutritional content
Can make nut milks

Recommended brand – BioChef Atlas Whole Slow Juicer RRP $399

What I loved about the BioChef

It is the only slow juicer on the market with a wide juicing chute so you don’t have to cut up everything into small pieces. This makes it far more likely I will actually juice as it doesn’t seem like a big process of cutting all the produce into small pieces.
You can fit […]

Is inflammation causing your symptoms?

Key Message: Your body can control the inflammatory response triggered by exposure to bacteria and viruses.

Action Point: Reduce any excess inflammation and include some healthy anti-inflammatory foods in your diet such as turmeric, fatty fish such as salmon and nuts like almonds and walnuts

According to researchers at Georgia State University, your body can control inflammatory responses produced by microbial pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. This is very interesting as the findings could lеаd tо the development of nеw ways to treat uncontrolled inflammation.

Thе study describes hоw mуеlоіd differentiation factor (MyD88), a рrоtеіn thаt рlауѕ a mаjоr role in mеdіаtіng hоѕt dеfеnѕе response against invading pathogens, іѕ tightly regulated tо рrеvеnt unсоntrоllеd inflammation.

For the first time it was found that a protein called CYLD, рlауѕ a crucial rоlе іn соntrоllіng the pathogen-induced іnflаmmаtоrу rеѕроnѕе by tаrgеtіng another protein called MyD88.

“CYLD acts as a “brаkе pedal” durіng thе bоdу’ѕ inflammatory rеѕроnѕе to раthоgеnѕ. It turns оff host dеfеnѕе rеѕроnѕеs аnd рrеvеntѕ оvеrасtіvе іnflаmmаtіоn” said Dr. Jіаn-Dоng Lі, dіrесtоr of the Institute fоr Bіоmеdісаl Sсіеnсеѕ аt Gеоrgіа Stаtе аnd a Georgia Rеѕеаrсh Alliance Emіnеnt Sсhоlаr іn Inflаmmаtіоn аnd Immunіtу.

Although an appropriate level of inflammatory response is crucial for combating mісrоbіаl pathogens, it is important that it be regulated as еxсеѕѕіvе оr unсоntrоllеd inflammation lеаdѕ to detrimental tіѕѕuе dаmаgе and a vаrіеtу оf diseases ѕuсh as ѕерtіс ѕhосk, asthma, саnсеr, сhrоnіс obstructive рulmоnаrу dіѕеаѕе аnd еаr іnfесtіоnѕ.

Steroids have been effective at suppressing inflammation, however they are not recommended for long term use as they can cause serious side effects. This study is significant because there is an urgent need to develop new and innovative anti-inflammatory ways to fight inflammation, and these findings could offer an alternative.

Understanding how […]

How your bedtime affects your BMI

Key Message: The length and quality of your sleep can impact your weight

Action Point: Try to get the recommended hours of sleep per night and take measures to ensure your quality of sleep is as good as it can be. If possible, go to bed early at least one night per week

No matter what your age, too little sleep and too-late bedtimes may result in weight gain according to new research.

Babies, toddler and preschoolers need plenty of sleep and when they don’t get enough, it takes a toll. Due to busier schedules and more casual bedtimes, kids these days are sleeping less than their parents did at similar ages and going to bed later.

It has been shown that quality of sleep is very much linked to metabolism and any disruption could lead to weight gain in the long run.

A recent study conducted on young adults and adolescents showed that a later bedtime was associated with weight gain regardless of the total hours of sleep. This could be due to a number of possible causes such as eating meals later in the day. In a study conducted last year in Akron, Ohio it was found that there are significant associations between sleep quality, duration, bedtime stability and obesity.

“There is a strong relationship between sleep duration and obesity in both children and adults, in particular between short sleep and obesity,” says Dr Nathaniel Watson, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Not only is the quality of sleep important but also the time of day. Nighttime sleep is associated with the release of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. In addition, untreated sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can reduce people’s motivation to exercise and […]

Late-night snacking may have an effect on your memory

Key Message: Eating at the wrong time of day can have a negative impact on your learning and memory

Action Point: Avoid late-night snacking and consume bigger meals earlier in the day.  If you must eat late at night, opt for healthier options

If it’s past your bedtime, then its probably best to avoid the fridge.

It has already been proven that eating late at night has negative effects on your body’s metabolic health from weight gain to an increased risk of diabetes and heart problems.

Now, for the first time, a new study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that late-night eating can cause damage to our brains, too. The research showed that eating food during hours when people are usually asleep can negatively impact the hippocampus – the part of the brain where memories are formed.

“We believe that late-night snacking may affect our learning capabilities by affecting the parts of the brain responsible for learning and memory” Dr. Dawn Loh, a project scientist at the university and lead author of the study. ”The timing of food consumption is what we believe to be the primary cause of the impaired memory that we describe.”

Their findings, published in the journal eLife, demonstrate how important a healthy eating routine is to memory as midnight munching may reduce our ability to learn new things and store memories.

By consuming food at the ‘wrong’ time of day, we cause misalignment between the various clocks in the brain and body. Researchers believe this may be due to reduced levels of a protein called CREB, which is key for your body’s internal clock and your brain’s ability to form memories.

CREB, regulates some genes involved in both the circadian clock and in […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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