
The Tigernut Story & My Latest Recipe for You

In my quest for information about gut health, I read a lot of research, which makes its way into every aspect of my life. As a speaker, I hold keynote talks about gut health and it was at one of my events that the founders of Health and Harvest found me.

Health and Harvest import Tigernuts, and no, they are not actually nuts!

Tigernuts are hugely exciting for me, due to their nutritional qualities. You may have read my blog post on resistant starch. Often resistant starch is a little unfriendly to use. Think of green bananas, potato starch powder and cooked then cooled legumes.

Tigernuts are user friendly tubers, a type of root vegetable that can be eaten whole, soaked to make Spanish style horchata or ground to make flour. They are gluten free and contain a bucket load of fibre along with the Superfood of all Superfoods, resistant starch. Resistant starch is a kind of prebiotic, which helps to keep your probiotics happy and well fed.

It also turns out that Tigernuts are about as Paleo as Paleo can get, and are a true evolutionary food with Oxford Uni discovering they played a key nutritional role in our evolution. See research here >>

When you chew a Tigernut, take your time and chew well. The more you chew, the more the natural sugars are released and the flavour is part coconut, part chestnut. Per 100g of Tigernuts have 400mg resistant starch, 5.9mg iron, 23.5g fibre and 915mg of heart healthy potassium.

So, I went ahead and made some mini banana and Goji berry muffins for Sophia, using Tigernut flour. She is brutally honest with me when it comes to food so she is the ultimate recipe tester! Thankfully, these little beauties passed […]

Is the Paleo Diet Killing Our Environment?

The Paleo diet is extremely popular and so many clients tell me they are eating “Paleo.” My first question is always, “tell me what you mean by Paleo?” as, like any diet, there are a 1001 bastardised forms. And the biggest belief is that Paleo equates to high meat consumption – for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In fact, a true Paleo diet avoids grains, legumes and dairy so if you are eating any of those, then you are not technically eating Paleo.
Let’s have a look at this concept of high meat consumption in more depth. The premise that our ancestors ate a lot of meat is a contentious one. More likely, meat was eaten in smaller portions than most Paleo dieters believe. Amongst eggs, fish, berries, nuts, seeds, fruits and other plant based foods, meat was in the minority. So hold the Paleo sausage feast for breakfast and think again.
When you look at where we came from in an evolutionary way, we were once primates. And interestingly, we still share the closest gut bacteria to our furry friends. And primates don’t eat much meat. Have I got you thinking yet?
Pros of the Paleo Diet

It cuts out all gluten. You must know by now that I am not a fan of gluten and the research backs me on this one
Promotes meat derived from grass fed animals – this will have a lower omega 6 level. Omega 6 is inflammatory and you want to avoid too much of it.
Fibre rich – the consumption of lots of fresh vegetables will provide a fantastic fuel source for your gut bacteria
Encourages nose to tail eating – using the whole animal instead of simply choice cuts
Cuts out processed foods such as […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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