
The Link between Biofilms and Chronic Infections


Key Message: Biofilms are common and can cause chronic infections

Action Point: There are holistic steps you can take to treat and eliminate the issue of chronic biofilm as antibiotics are ineffective
If you have ever had any recurrent infections such as chronic ear infections, chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, lung infections or chronic fatigue that just won’t go away even with multiple courses of antibiotics, then biofilm may be the cause. But biofilms are not only limited to chronic infections. They can also cause more severe diseases such as autoimmune diseases, Lyme disease and kidney stones.

The issue of biofilm is regularly overlooked when treating chronic illness, yet it affects millions of people in the developed world each year. Recently it has been gaining more attention among scientists, microbiologists and medical professionals.

But what exactly are biofilms? They are complex communities of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, yeast and algae that live together and adapt to various environment conditions. It was once thought that they existed as individual cells, however it is now known that they start off with a few microbes forming a thin layer of slime and eventually form complex colonies, which develop into communities of millions of microbes. They can be found all over the environment and are often found on surfaces that are wet and exposed to moisture. For example the slime on top of ponds and even the plaque on your teeth is biofilm.

It seems that people with lower immune systems are more susceptible to biofilm infections as they tend to form with greater ease in such individuals. In the 19th century, a French scientist, Antonine Bechamp suggested, “it is the internal terrain/ environment of the individual which determines our susceptibility to disease”. This […]

The Effects of Eating Organic Food

Key Message: There are many benefits from eating organic foods

Action Point: Eat organic foods or grow your own to improve your health and physical wellbeing
More and more grocery stores are beginning to stock organic produce. Whereas once these items made up a small selection of available products, they now make up a sizeable proportion of any large store’s stock. From meat, to veg, to fruit – organic is everywhere.

If you’ve seen organic food in your local grocery store, you’ll have noticed it costs a little more than the same item in non-organic form. There’s a reason for this. Organic foods are made without the use of hormones and artificial growth enhancers. This means such products can’t be produced on mass. That’s a good thing though, especially when it comes to your health.

Organic food provides a range of benefits. Here are some of the most important.
More Nutrients
Sometimes, food tastes so good, we actually forget what our reason for eating it is: To stay healthy.

When it comes to comparing the nutrient profiles of organic and non-organic food, there’s only one clear winner. The European Union was one of the main bodies to confirm this, having conducted a multi-million dollar study into the effectiveness of organic produce.

Not only are organic products grown in a higher class of soil, they’re allowed to develop as nature intended them to – which can only mean they’re packed full of goodness. You can reduce vitamin and mineral deficiencies simply by changing your diet.
Better Taste
Organic foods taste better. Sure, there are probably studies that confirm this, but why bother listening to them when you have your own set of tastebuds?

Chicken, tomatoes, green vegetables, and eggs are all foods that taste far […]

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    Eating hot food from plastic dishes could be affecting your overall health and hormones

Eating hot food from plastic dishes could be affecting your overall health and hormones

Key message: Components of some types of plastics are known to be hazardous to human health, especially when exposed to heat.

Action point: For hot food, it’s best to stick to glass or ceramics. When it comes to heat, there are no materials – short of ceramics – that don’t leach something. Or for a safe alternative for kids, try biodegradable bamboo dinnerware.
Are you using plastic containers to heat your food?

You might want to reconsider. Components of some types of plastics are known to be hazardous to human health, especially when exposed to heat.

The two main types of plastic used in dinnerware are melamine resin and polypropylene.

Melamine resin is a tough plastic that can be found in children’s dinner sets, many picnic sets and take away noodle soup bowls. On its own, the compound melamine is toxic to human health. Ingested at high concentrations, it can damage the kidneys.

A recent study1 from Taiwan showed that people who consumed hot soup, which was 90 degrees celsius when poured into a melamine bowl, excreted small amounts of melamine in their urine. This indicates that melamine from the soup bowl had been absorbed into the body.

Other plastics used in food containers to be wary of are bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates. BPA is primarily found in a type of plastic called polycarbonate or PC (recycle code 7). Phthalates (such as the plasticiser diethylhexyl phthalate or DEHP) are primarily found in polyvinyl carbonate or PVC (recycle code 3).

Studies have shown that both BPA and phthalates are endocrine disruptors2. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the body’s endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological and immune effects in humans.

Endocrine disruptors can:

Mimic or partly mimic naturally occurring hormones in the […]

The secret to longevity is also good for the waistline

Key message: Research suggests that intermittent fasting diets slow down ageing and may add years to life.

Action point: Check out my ebook on fasting – it provides menu plans, a calorie guide, meal ideas and more:

Science now backs up what yogis have known for thousands of years. According to new research, occasionally adopting a diet that mimics fasting could slow ageing.

The study1, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, found that following a four-day cycle of a low-calorie intake twice a month can lead to a reduction of belly fat and extended lifespan.
The Fasting Mimicking Diet
The Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), which restricts calories to between a third and a half of normal intake, has been developed by academics at the University of Southern California.

The researchers looked at the effectiveness of periodic fasting on ageing-related factors in yeast, mice and humans. Aside from longevity, the diet was found to have other benefits.

In the mice study, the restricted calorie diet improved metabolism, decreased bone loss, improved cognitive function, lowered cancer incidence and extended longevity.

Humans underwent three monthly cycles of the five-day diet and the researchers noted a drop in risk factors related to ageing, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Eat less, live longer
The researchers think the diet works by slashing a hormone which encourages growth in the body and has been linked to cancer susceptibility. Essentially, it tricks the body into ageing more slowly. The diet increases the number of progenitor and stem cells in various organs, including the brain, where it was also found to boost learning and memory.

The FMD isn’t a typical diet, because it isn’t something you need to stay on, and it is easier and safer than strict fasting or water-only fasting.

According to the researchers, for […]

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    The hidden health hazards in your kitchen: Cookware to avoid

The hidden health hazards in your kitchen: Cookware to avoid

Most of us spend a lot of money buying nutritious food. But when it comes to health and wellbeing, what we cook with is just as important as the food we eat.
The perils of non-stick cookware
Certain kinds of kitchenware can discharge toxic fumes and chemicals into your food. Over time these foreign substances can build up in your body and damage your health.

While non-stick pans are easy to use and clean, research has shown that they can harm our health.

Teflon is a brand name for the special coating on nonstick pans. A chemical – called perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA – is used to make compounds called fluoropolymers, which are, in turn, used to make Teflon.

There is a growing body of evidence showing that perfluorochemicals used in Teflon are highly toxic. Recent research has shown that prenatal exposure to PFCs1 compromises early childhood immunity and that general exposure increases the risk of arthritis.2

At high temperatures Teflon is known to give off a cocktail of 15 types of toxic particles and gases, including trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and phosgene. These chemicals are known to be poisonous to birds.3 And in humans they cause headaches, chills, backache and fever – a condition known as ‘Teflon flu’.

Another type of cookware to avoid is aluminium. Most cookware today is made of anodised aluminium. But if you’re using hand-me-downs or buying used, it might be made from non-anodised aluminium, which can leach aluminium salts, causing a variety of unpleasant symptoms.

You should also be careful of pans made from copper. Large amounts of copper from unlined cookware can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.4 Some copper and brass pans are coated with another metal to prevent food from coming into contact with copper. […]

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    Health begins even before conception, according to groundbreaking new research

Health begins even before conception, according to groundbreaking new research

Key message: A mother’s diet before conception can affect her unborn child’s genetic make-up and immune system.

Action point: Complete a three-month preconception program to optimise your nutritional template before falling pregnant.
Thinking about having a baby? Then now is the time to get your diet right.
A mother’s diet before conception can affect her unborn child’s genetic make-up and immune system, according to new findings.1

It is commonly known that a child’s genes are inherited directly from the mother and father. The way those genes are expressed is controlled through epigenetic modifications to the DNA, which turn genes on and off and affect how cells read genes.

A study published in Nature Communications established that genetic expression can be influenced by an individual’s environment and nutritional intake, and affects the long-term health of offspring.

Researchers from the MRC International Nutrition Group, based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and MRC Unit, used a unique ‘experiment of nature’ in rural Gambia. The population’s dependence on homegrown foods and a markedly seasonal climate impose a large difference in people’s dietary patterns between rainy and dry seasons.

Through a selection process involving more than 2000 women, the researchers enrolled pregnant women who conceived at the peak of the rainy season (84 women) and the peak of the dry season (83 women).

By measuring the concentrations of nutrients in their blood, and later analysing blood and hair follicle samples from their 2–8 month-old infants, they found that a mother’s diet before conception had a significant affect on the properties of her child’s DNA.  A mother’s nutritional status at the time of conception can permanently change the function of a gene that influences her child’s immunity and cancer risks.

The study has found that a […]

The hidden health costs of mobile phones

In this three-part series, let’s explore the potential adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields. Part 3: The hidden health costs of mobile phones.
Key message: There are positive and negative effects of mobile phone use.

Action point: There are steps you can take to minimise the potential negative effects of EMF exposure from mobile phone use.
We use them every day: to call and text people, take photos, access the internet, record videos, download apps and even do our banking. It’s fair to say that mobile phones have revolutionised the way we live.

In important ways, they also contribute to our health: we can access health information on our phones, and they have played vital roles in rapid response to life-saving emergencies.

But the long-term health effects of using mobile devices are a topic of debate, not to mention a lot of current health research. There are concerns that the low levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by mobile phones could cause health problems such as headaches or brain tumours.

Mobile phones communicate with base stations using RF radiation. If RF radiation is high enough, it has a ‘thermal’ effect, which means it raises body temperature (see Part One of our EMF series for more information about EMF frequencies).

In Australia, all mobile phones must meet the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) Standard RPS 3.1

Even with these stringent safety standards, mobile phones can affect us biologically. It is estimated that the RF radiation from a mobile phone held against your ear will heat a localised area of your face and, to a lesser extent, your brain, by a fraction of a degree.2

Can this heating effect have negative consequences on our health and wellbeing?
The research
A large number of studies have […]

Emma’s Empirical Evidence (part 6) – Longevity

In this 6-part series, I look into some recent science in the field of health and wellness. As a clinical naturopath I read so much research and want to share with you some highlights. This month I let you in on some secrets that could add years to your life. Happy reading!
Start before the beginning
Health begins even before conception, according to groundbreaking new research. A mother’s diet before conception can affect her unborn child’s genetic make-up and immune system.

Researchers from the MRC International Nutrition Group, based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and MRC Unit, conducted a study that has been described as the “first concrete evidence” that a mother’s nutritional status before pregnancy is vitally important for the child’s health.

The study found that a mother’s diet before conception had a significant affect on the properties of her child’s DNA. A mother’s nutritional status at the time of conception can permanently change the function of a gene that influences her child’s immunity and cancer risks.

Reference: Dominguez-Salas, Moore et al (2014) Maternal nutrition at conception modulates DNA methylation of human metastable epialleles. Nature Communications 5, Article number: 3746 doi:10.1038/ncomms4746

To live longer, eat less
According to new research, occasionally adopting a diet that mimics fasting could slow ageing.

The study, published in the journal Cell Metabolism, found that following a four-day cycle of a low-calorie intake twice a month can lead to a reduction of belly fat and extended lifespan.

Increased longevity was not the only benefit. Periodic fasting in mice was shown to improve metabolism, decrease bone loss, improve cognitive function and lower cancer incidence too.

In humans, the researchers noted a drop in risk factors related to ageing, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The researchers think […]

By |September 4th, 2015|Research|0 Comments

Dirty electricity

In this three-part series, let’s explore the potential adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields. Part 2: Is poor-quality electric power in our homes, schools and workplaces making us sick?
Key message: Poor-quality electric power in your home, school and workplace could be making you sick.

Action point: Reduce your exposure to dirty electricity using the tips in this blog post.

We are surrounded by electrical sources in our daily lives – power lines, substations, household electrical appliances and wiring. Electricity is an integral part of modern life.

However, you may not be aware that researchers have demonstrated that radiation from electricity can affect our health.

Electrical sources are known to emit low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMF). (For more information about EMF, see Part One of our EMF series.)

The EMF frequency bands that are generated in connection with the production, transmission, distribution and use of electrical power usually have a frequency of 50–60 Hz.  Our devices are designed to run on this frequency.
Dirty electricity
But TVs, computers, dimmer switches, compact fluorescent bulbs, motors and many other devices don’t use this power cleanly. Modern devices are designed to save energy, and they do this by turning on and off rapidly – thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times per second.

These high-frequency deviations caused by the arcing and sparking of electrical devices is also known as dirty electricity.

Dirty electricity is said to be stressful for the body and can wreak havoc on our health. For example, studies have linked dirty electricity to cancer, diabetes, asthma, and even behavioural and learning problems in children. 1,2,3,4,5,

By reducing as many EMFs as possible you lessen the load of electrostress on your body. This enables your body to do what it […]

Is the modern world making you sick?

In this three-part series, let’s explore the potential adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields. Part 1: Is the modern world making you sick?
Key message: Long-term exposure to EMF could be making us sick.

Action Point: Start to notice how much EMF you are actually exposed to – phones, computers, laptops, microwaves, household appliances etc. Start to turn them off at night time.
The health cost of technology
Technologies we rely on in today’s world – electricity, the internet, phones, radio, television, any smart technology, and even baby monitors – could be making us sick.

They all emit a type of electromagnetic radiation via an electromagnetic field (EMF) – an environmental ‘pollution’ that some researchers are saying could account for many of today’s common health conditions.

There is no denying that electromagnetic fields are one of the fastest growing and ubiquitous environmental influences. In fact, they are almost impossible to avoid. Apart from people living in the remotest of remote locations, there are very few in Australia today who are not bathed in electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation, 24 hours a day.

What’s more, the levels will continue to increase as technology advances. According to the World Health Organisation, “…even a small health consequence from EMF exposure could have a major public health impact”.1
Types of EMF
Exposure to EMF is not a new phenomenon. Electromagnetic radiation has been around since the birth of the universe – light is its most familiar natural form.  However, there are also man-made forms that we need to be aware of.

One of the defining characteristics of an EMF is its frequency. Different frequencies interact with the body in different ways. Higher frequency (shorter wavelength) waves carry more energy than lower frequency (longer wavelength) fields.

High frequency electromagnetic radiation includes gamma […]

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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