Sustainable and Green

Emma’s Book Booster: For Foodies and Greenies

Slow Food Nation
This book was written by the founder of the Slow Food Movement, Carlo Petrini, a man who passionately loves food. In this book, he explains his movement of high quality foods, environmental sustainability and social justice. He wants a food system that is good, clean and fair. This is the era of moving away from fast food and the industrial food system in favour of a sustainable food system. It’s a brilliant read, both empowering and hugely passionate.  Ideal for foodies and greenies.

The Great Big Veg Challenge
This is the story of a 7-year old vegetable-phobic Freddie and his mother. She becomes super clever at identifying key strategies to help Freddie learn to love his vegetables. With the A-Z of vegetables and lots of yummy recipes, this is a beautiful book for any parent. The book is a result of Charlotte’s popular blog, The Great Big Vegetable Challenge.

The Root Cause
I treat so many clients for Hashimotos, an autoimmune thyroid condition. What I love about this book is that it looks into the underlying causes of Hashimotos – adrenal depletion, gut dysbiosis, inflammation and poor digestion. As a naturopath, this is exactly what I focus on! Izabella Wentz has written a user-friendly book that covers so many aspects of thyroid health, a must-read for so many people.

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Is Your Tupperware Container Giving You Hell?

After attending a recent seminar on Female Hormonal Disorders I delved into the current research into plastics and the chemicals found in them.  The World Health Organizations calls them endocrine-disrupting chemicals and in 2012 stated “disease risk from EDC’s may be significantly underestimated.” There are more than 800 chemicals that disrupt hormone function and the vast majority have never been tested.

These chemicals are most dangerous during developmental periods: conception, pregnancy, early childhood, puberty, and menopause.
They are associated with cancers, behavioral and developmental issues, early puberty and fertility problems.

An EDC is a chemical found outside the body that mimics or alters the endocrine (hormone) system and causes health problems in a person, their offspring and even future generations. Endocrine disrupters exert their effect at levels far below what is considered to be harmful. It is the timing and duration of exposure and not the dose that determines what impact these chemicals have on the body. Often, these health problems don’t become apparent until years down the track.
A 2012 report release by the World Health Organisation1 says many endocrine-related diseases and disorders are on the rise across the world, including low sperm count in men, the incidence of genital malformation such as non-descending testes in baby boys, adverse pregnancy outcomes such as low birth weight and pre-term bubs, behavioral disorders associated with thyroid malfunction, endocrine-related cancers (breast, endometrial, ovarian, prostate, testicular and thyroid), obesity and type 2 diabetes.
EDCs were discussed at the International Congress of Andrology held in Melbourne in 2013 and in particular the link between these chemicals and the negative impact on male fertility and testicular cancer. 
In the last 12 months the amount of research papers published on this topic has doubled! A recent […]

Is the Paleo Diet Killing Our Environment?

The Paleo diet is extremely popular and so many clients tell me they are eating “Paleo.” My first question is always, “tell me what you mean by Paleo?” as, like any diet, there are a 1001 bastardised forms. And the biggest belief is that Paleo equates to high meat consumption – for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In fact, a true Paleo diet avoids grains, legumes and dairy so if you are eating any of those, then you are not technically eating Paleo.
Let’s have a look at this concept of high meat consumption in more depth. The premise that our ancestors ate a lot of meat is a contentious one. More likely, meat was eaten in smaller portions than most Paleo dieters believe. Amongst eggs, fish, berries, nuts, seeds, fruits and other plant based foods, meat was in the minority. So hold the Paleo sausage feast for breakfast and think again.
When you look at where we came from in an evolutionary way, we were once primates. And interestingly, we still share the closest gut bacteria to our furry friends. And primates don’t eat much meat. Have I got you thinking yet?
Pros of the Paleo Diet

It cuts out all gluten. You must know by now that I am not a fan of gluten and the research backs me on this one
Promotes meat derived from grass fed animals – this will have a lower omega 6 level. Omega 6 is inflammatory and you want to avoid too much of it.
Fibre rich – the consumption of lots of fresh vegetables will provide a fantastic fuel source for your gut bacteria
Encourages nose to tail eating – using the whole animal instead of simply choice cuts
Cuts out processed foods such as […]

Add a Little Calm to Your Baby’s World

The new massage balm by Little By Nature, is a lovely combination of grapeseed oil, organic olive oil, organic coconut oil, macadamia oil, organic beeswax and the essential oils lavender and chamomile. A perfect blend for soothing your baby after a bath and keeping her skin soft and free of rashes.
When dealing with babies, it is imperative to use natural, non-toxic products. Research has shown that babies are born with a “toxic burden” of chemicals. How frightening that tiny newborns have nasty chemicals in their body!
A ground breaking study by the Environmental Working Group found 287 industrial chemicals in the cord blood of 10 babies. Exposure to chemicals in the womb can have life long detrimental effects. Once your baby is born, it is vital that all chemicals are avoided. Their livers are smaller and their ability to break down chemicals is limited.
Most parents are aware that natural products are better, but many products marketed for babies are still full of nasty chemicals. If you start checking labels for every ingredient you might just be astounded at what is “natural”. A good resource is Skin Deep, which contains an enormous amount of great information.

Moringa – A Traditional Superfood

This is my favorite new Superfood  – it is a tree that originates from the foothills of the Himalayas and is known as the “Miracle Tree.” It’s the leaves that are used, as they are so incredibly nutritious and the best quality ones are shade dried. When you buy Moringa it is usually bright green and the good news is that Moringa is naturally pest resistant so it shouldn’t contain any nasty chemicals.
Unusually, Moringa contains all the amino acids needed to make a complete protein, which is unusual for a plant. Recent research has shown that Moringa is effective for cancer and has anti-inflammatory effects. 

The nutritional content of Moringa is reputed to be rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium and bioflavonoids. Per 100 grams there is 27grams of protein, 38 grams of carbohydrates, 2gr of calcium, 370mg magnesium, 19grams of fibre and a bucket load of chlorophyll.
I am adding it to my green smoothie, popping it in Sophia’s sheep’s milk yoghurt as well as mixing with a little coconut oil for a power shot in the afternoon.

Competition Time!!!

Win 6 packs of the best and safest baby wipe on the market thanks to the wonderful people at Water Wipes. Water wipes are a new range of baby wipes that have won the approval of naturopaths and mums for being specifically formulated for a newborn’s delicate skin. The newly launched Water Wipes contain just 0.1% grapefruit seed extract and 99.9% purified water, making them ideal for the most sensitive skin.
WaterWipes follow the same universally recognised formula practiced by midwives for washing a baby’s bottom with just cotton and cooled boiled water. In fact, Water Wipes are so natural that  maternity wards and Neonatal Intensive Care Units in the UK and Ireland have started using Water Wipes and recommending them to parents.
What you didn’t know about regular wipes is that they contain many nasty chemicals such as:


I am a very organic type of mum and wouldn’t use any of these chemicals on Sophia’s skin. In fact, Water Wipes have launched the Great Bottom Campaign to raise awareness about the chemicals that standard wipes contain. Water Wipes are the safest and most natural wipe on the market so here is how you enter the competition:
1. Tell me about the most precious moment you have experienced with your child – post on my official Facebook page 
Competition ends Saturday 18th January, good luck!! If you know any mum’s make sure you tell them about the competition
Valid for Australian residents only

My Top 5 Tips for Reducing Exposure to Phthalates

Phthalates are a class of toxic chemicals that are used as softeners or lubricants in products that we use every day and are the most commonly used plasticizers in the world. These chemicals are commonly used with PVC, a known carcinogen, and some other chemicals to make cosmetics and personal care products, medical devices, food and water containers, footwear, solvents, wires and cables, automotive components and children’s toys1,2.
Questions have been raised over the safety of the use of phthalates. Studies have proven that of the 20 types of phthalates commonly used, some are detrimental to our health, with children being more easily affected than adults3.
Babies and young children are at higher risk because of their extensive chewing or sucking on toys. Research was conducted by Australia’s National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) into children’s plastic products.  It found that if levels of DEHP, a common phthalate were higher than 1%, there was an  increased risk for reproductive system toxicity in children up to 36 months of age who chew and suck objects on a recurrent basis for more than 40 minutes per day1.
As babies and toddler are still rapidly growing and their nervous system maturing they are at higher risk for the harmful effects of phthalates. Since 2011, Australia has banned children’s toys, childcare articles, eating utensils and plates containing DEHP in excess of 1%.
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in particular, is listed in Tox Town, the US National Library of Medicine web site, as a substance “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen”.  Male newborn babies who had medical tubes or other plastic devices inserted, especially for feeding, breathing or medication have been found to suffer from adverse effects2. Recently, research has shown that […]

Meet Tim from The Urban Food Market

This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Tim Elwin from Urban Food Market. If you haven’t heard of UFM you have been missing out! They are Sydney’s best suppliers of ethical and sustainable foods including meat, poultry, pork, goat, dairy and cured meats. They promise their food is farmed with no growth promotants, no added hormones, no feedlots, no cages, no pens, no concrete floors and no GM feed – that ticks all of my boxes in every way.
UFM wholesale as well as retail their goods from Marrickville and on Friday and Saturdays you can find a buzzing atmosphere as people pick up the best sustainably farmed food on offer. There is also a catering department that can transform the warehouse space into a unique private dining area or cater for a cocktail party or sit down dinner at your venue.
Weekly cooking classes provide hands on opportunity to experience how to put all that amazing food on the table. If you just want to sit back and relax, head in to Café Guilia, where UFM take over the kitchen every Friday and Saturday night. The menu is designed around excess cuts that are left over from the wholesale, retail and catering divisions.
I interviewed Tim and find out a little more about what has influenced his path to sustainability
Q. What was the very first thought behind starting the Urban Food Market?
I was literally buying meat of the back of a truck once a month and the guy doing it had to stop as he no longer had the time. My wife and I then spend the next 6 months trying to find the same quality meat that we use to get without […]

Detox Your Desk

When was the last time you did anything more than work at your desk? Seems like a strange question I’m sure but if you cast your mind back, can you actually remember the last time you re-organised all those bits of paper floating around?
What about sorting through that overflowing in-tray or even wiping down the keys you spend roughly eight hours a day tapping? If your desk is anything like mine, it’s in a pretty sorry state of affairs. Given that we spend such a large chunk of our week desk bound, it makes pretty good sense that we really should take stock and re-calibrate our workspace.
A quick desk detox is good for your mental and physical health. Here’s how to tune up and perhaps even improve your productivity, creativity and general wellbeing.

De-germ – See that keyboard your fingers were glued to mere seconds ago? It’s absolutely crawling with nasties. If you’ve got a few minutes, turn your keyboard upside down and give it a good bang. Once you’ve gotten over the horror at what’s lurking beneath, it’s time to clean up. With winter almost upon us, the germ situation is only going to get worse. A quick spritz with a natural, non-toxic spray is the best way to de-germ your space. For a homemade option, simply mix equal parts lemon juice, white vinegar and baking soda with some water. While you’re getting your spritz on, give your mouse, monitor and phone a going over as well.
De-clutter – Do you have papers on your desk that date back to 1992? Maybe you’re not that bad but the majority of desks seem to accumulate insane amounts of paper, even in today’s supposedly ‘paper-less’ office.’  Excess […]

Earth Hour is Back!

This Saturday, March 23rd at 8.30pm its time to turn out the lights and join an international phenomenon called Earth Hour. This is the world’s largest mass participation event for the environment and was started from a one-city initiative in Sydney in 2007. Earth Hour now takes place in more than 6,950 cities and towns in 152 countries and territories around the world!
Australia is the highest greenhouse gas polluter, on a per capita basis, among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. This is because most of our electricity is currently produced by coal-fired power stations, making coal the number one source of carbon pollution in our country. (more…)

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

How to Heal Your Adrenals Naturally

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society. Download a copy of my free ebook to learn about the symptoms and how to heal your Adrenals naturally.

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